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On the night of Sha'baan 

Read 12 rakaats Salaah with 6 salaams. In every rakaat after Surah Fateha read 15 times Surah Ikhlaas, Insha Allah, Allah will forgive all of ones sins. At Dawn read 2 rakaats of Nafil Salaah, in each rakaat after Surah Fateha read Surah Ikhlaas 100 times, In Rukhu and Sajda read,

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"Subhuhun, Qudoosun, Rabbuna Wa Rabbul Malikati War Rooh, Khaliqun Noori, Subahaana Man Huwa Qaa-imun A’la Kulli Nafsim Bima Kasa-Bat"

On the first Monday night of Sha’baan, if one desires that ones sins be forgiven, one should make Ghusl and thereafter perform 12 rakaats with 3 Salaams, Insha Allah, Allah will grant forgiveness. If one has to fast for the first three days of Sha’baan, Allah will reward one with 70 years of Ibaadath and one will die a Shaheed (Martyr). One who recites 1000 times,

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"La Ilaaha Illalahu Wa La Na’budhu Illa Iyyahu, Mukhliseen La-Hud Deena, Wa Lo Karihal Mushrikoon." 

"There is no God but Allah, we do not worship anyone besides him, sincerely, for him is this Deen, even if those whom associate partners to
Allah dislike it. Allah will grant him the reward of 100 years, all his sins will be forgiven, and on the day of Resurrection he will rise with a Noor."

Sayedina Shamsul Aulia Sultaanul Asfiya Al-Murshid Al-Haadi Khwaja Hafiz Mohammad Ali Shah Khairabaadi R.A. has stated thatbefore sunset of the 15th of night of Sha’baan read 40 times, La Hola Wa La Quwata Illah Billa, Allah will forgive 40 years of ones sins, 40 Hoors will be provided by Allah Ta-Ala for ones service, and one will be granted the permission to intercede for 40 people.


21 Qualities of Shabe Baraat

1.  One should give money or clothing as charity, Allah Ta-Ala will give that person Barakah and will increase one's sustenance.

2. One should keep people away from vain and evil talks

3. One should keep one away from Bidat and Athiesm.

4. One should read more namaaz on this night preferably over a 100 rakaaths.

5. Read Surah Ikhlaas 2000 or 1000 times.

6. One should weep and cry and beg Allah to forgive one's sins Maghfirath is guaranteed.

7. One should make ghusl and keep fast. One will be pack of one's sin just as new born baby.

8. If one has been disobedient to one's parents, one should make taubah for this act.

9. One must unite with ones family otherwise Allah will not forgive one on this night.

10. Indulge in Zikrullah since the Zakir (the performer of zikr) is promised Jannath on this night.

1 I. If one has made enemies with anyone for any reason, try to make up on this night.

12. One should keep away from backbiting, being an artist, an alcoholic animosity, a magician, and one who bears hatred in ones heart.These people should make taubah first and ask Allah for His forgiveness.

13. On this night make due for oneself, ones present government and for all Muslims.

14. Apply Surma 3 times to your first eye and 2 times to your second eye.There are 2 benefits:-one would not have pains on ones eye's anymore and one will not be lazy for performing one's prayer.

15. Keep utensils upside down for there will be barakah in ones food and clothing.

16. Refrain from eating flesh.

17. Keep all the people of the house awake.

18. Make extra Tasbeeh in ruku and sajda in one's namaaz.

l9. The place of Nafil Namaaz should be calm and peaceful. 

20. Read in sajda,

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"Sajada Laka Sawaadi wa Bayaadi Wa Khayaali, Wa Aamana Bika Fuadhi, Wa Aqarra bika Lisaani, Wa Haa Ana Dha Bayna Yadayka, Ya Azeemoo Kuli Azeemin, Ighfir Zanbi Al Azeem, Fa-inahu La Yaghfiruz Zunooba Ghairuka Ya Azeemu."

“My outer form, My reputation, My thoughts all submit in prostration to You (O Allah); My heart believes in You (O Allah), My tongue admits to You (O Allah), Now here I am infront of You (O Allah), O’ Greatest of the Greatest, Forgive my great number of disobedience, for Indeed nobody is capable of forgiving sin except You, O Greatest of Great!”

Thereafter read Durood Shareef and recite this Dua a 100 times,

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"Allahuma Hab Lee Qalban Naqiyyan, Taqiyyan, Minash Shirki Bariyan, La Kaafiran Wa La Shaqiyyan."

“O Allah, grant me a heart that is pure, pious, purified from associating partners with You, A heart that is neither disbelieving nor hardened!”

After that go into sajda and recite;

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"Ighfir Wajhi Fit Turraab, Li Sayyidi, Wa Haqqi Wajhi Sayyidi An Tagfiral Wujooha Lahu."

21. Stay awake the whole night.

Sayedina Shamsul Aulia Sultaanul Asfiya Al-Murshid Al-Haadi Khwaja Hafiz Mohammad Ali Shah R.A. has advised his companions that on the day of Shabe Baraat one should read 2 rakaats of Salaatul Barkath. In every rakaat after Surah Fateha read Ayatul Kursi 3 times. Thereafter read 4 rakaats of Nafil Salaah with one salaam. In every rakaat after Surah Fateha read Surah Ikhlaas 25 times. One can also read 20 rakaatswith 10 salaams. In every rakaat after Surah Fateha read Surah Ikhlaas once.After the Nafil Salaah read 3 times Surah Yaseen, After each Surah Yaseen ;ask Allah to prolong your life; after the second Surah Yaseen, ask for barkath in your rozi; and after the third Surah Yaseen ask Allah to safeguard and protect you. One can also read a 100 rakaatswith 50 salaams. In every rakaat after Surah Fateha read Surah Ikhlaas 10 times. Then go into sajda and read the following Dua,

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"A’oozu Bi Noori Wajhikal Ladhi Ada’at Bihi Samaawaatus Sab-u’ Wal Ardoonas Sab-u’, Wan Kashafat bihiz Zulumaatu, Wa Salaha A’laihil
Amrul Awwaleena Wal Aakhireena, Wa A’oozu Bika min Fujaa-a’ti Niqmatika, Wa Min Tahawwali A’afiyatika, Wa Min Sharree Kitaabin Qada Sabaqa, A’oozu Bi-A’fwika min I’qaabika, Wa A’oozu Bi Ridaaka Min Sakhatika, Wa A’oozu Bika minka Jalla Thanaa-uka, Wa Ablaghu Madhatuka, Wa La Uhsi Thanaa-an Alayka, Anta Kama Athnayta A’la Nafsika Ya Zal Jalaali Wal Ikraami."

“I seek refuge in the light that illuminated the seven heavens and the seven earths, through which darkness was exposed, through which the
fate of the beginners and last comers was purified. I seek refuge from the surprise of Your retribution, and from the uncertain change to Your Compassion, and from all that which has already been decided in destiny. I seek protection in Your Compassion from Your Punishment,
and I seek protection in Your Pleasure from Your Anger, I Seek protection O’ whose praise is exalted and whose praise unlimited, and I
am incapable of completing praises on You, Praise on you, as You have Praised Yourself, O’ You the Exalted and Honorable!”

After the recitation of this Dua, there are many other supplications for the night of Baraa-ah.

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"Allahuma Sah-hil A’layna ma Qaddarta fi Hadhi hil laylatil Mubarakah wa la tahrimna min barakati hadhi hil layla, waj a’l aakhira kalaamina bish shaahadati wa aakhiru u’mrina bis sa-a’dathi wa anzilna manzilash shuhada-I was saliheen, wa ha sun a ulaaika rafeeqa, bi rahmatika Ya
Arhamar Rahimeen."

"O’ Allah! Ease for us what You have decreed in this blessed night, do not prohibit us from the blessings of this night, make the last of our words the testification of faith and the last of our lives with happiness, and grant us the status of the martyrs and the pious, and how excellent are they in companionship; with Your mercy, O’ Most Merciful of those who have mercy."

Sayedina Shamsul Aulia Sultaanul Asfiya Al-Murshid Al-Haadi Khwaja Hafiz Mohammad Ali Shah R.A. has mentioned that it is written in the various books of the Mashaaikh-e-Izaam, that after Salaatul Esha one should perform thirty rakaats of Salaah, in every rakaat, one shouldrecite after Surah Fateha, Surah Ikhlaas 3 times and Surah Qadr once. After the completion of this Salaah one should recite the following praise and thana once:

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"There is none worthy of worship but Allah Alone, He has no partner; glorybe to Allah, all praise to Allah, there is none worthy of worship but Allah, and Allah is The Greatest; and there is no power nor might except from Allah, The Most High, The Great."

After this send one hundred salutations upon the master, Allah’s Messenger S.A.W. and recite Ayatul Kursi one hundred times, thereafter make
the following Dua,

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"Allahuma ya Rabbi inni as-aluka bi wajhikal kareemi in kunta katabtani fi ummil kitaabi shaqiyan, famhu a’nni ismash shaqaa-I, wa in kunta
Qadarta A’layya Soo-an fas rifhu a’nni, wa simni, ilas sanatil mustaqbilati waj a’l li naseeban min kulli khairin qasamtuhu bayna I’baadikas Salihin."

"O’ Allah, my Lord! I ask You through Your Noble Countenance, if You have recorded me in the origin of scriptures as being miserable, then erase from me the name of miserable. And if You have decreed an evil for me then remove it from my path, save me until the following year, grant me a fortune of every good that You have divided amongst Your pious servants. O’ All-Living, O’ All Sufficient, with Your mercy I seek salvation."

In another narration it has been written that one should read 30 rakaats of Salaah, in each rakaat after Surah Fateha, Surah Qadr, Surah Ikhlaas, Surah Falaq and Surah Naas three times. The following Dua has also been advised to be recited on the night of Bara’ah,

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"O’ Allah! Make us from the most of Your servants in fortune from every good that You divide amongst Your servants during this night, from light through which You guide, or from mercy that You spread, or sustenance that You multiply, or calamity that You prevent, or evil that You remove, or bounty that You divide amongst the believers, with the Truth of there is none worthy of worship but You. O’ Allah! Grant me a pure heart from ascribing partners to You, free from sin, not a disbeliever nor miserable. I rub my face in the sand for my Master, and it is the right of my Master that faces are rubbed in the sand for him; my transitory face has prostrated for Your Eternal Countenance; my Lord! Do not disfigure a face that has feel in prostration to You."

Mention your needs that you wish fulfilled, thereafter continue

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"O’ Allah! Possessor of all blessings, upon who no favour is done, O’ One of Majesty and Honour, O’ One of Eternity and Blessings, there is no one worthy of worship but You. O’ Support of those who seek You, O’ Companion of those who seek Your companionship, O’ Saviour of those who ask Your salvation, and O’ Most Merciful of those who have mercy. O’ Allah! If You have recorded me in the origin of the book with You, as miserable and poverty stricken, then remove from me the name of miserable, and maintain me in the origin of the book with You, as happy and wealthy. And if You have recorded me in the origin of the book with You, as prohibited and restricted in sustenance, then remove my prohibition and the restriction of my sustenance, and record me as one blessed with good fortune, and abundant in sustenance. Verily, You have said in the origin of the book: [Allah removes what He wills and He authenticates, and with Him is the origin of the book."

On this night also one can read 2 rakaats of nafil for one's dire needs and increase in sustenance. The elders and the pious have read this Salaah and have achieved their desires. In every rakaat after Surah Fateha read a 1000 times Surah Ikhlaas, Insha-Allah one will attain one's desire.

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