Zul Qa'dah
ظل قعدا

The duas mentioned for the other months should also be read in Zil Qadah. Hazrath Abu Huraira (R.A.) reported that in Zil Qadah there is one night which is equal to a 170 years and that this night is the 5th of Zil Qaid. Anyone who recites Quran, performs Zikrullah or even his salaat Allah will grant him the sawaab of the Ibaadath of 170 years. On this night read 2 rakaats for elevating one's position. In every rakaat after Surah Fateha read Surah Muzammil once. After salaam read 3 times Surah Yaseen. At the end of Zil Qaid after Namaaz-e-Chaast read 2 rakaats of Nafil. After Surah Fateha read Surah Qadr 3 times in each rakaat. After salaam read 11 times Durood Shareef and 11 times Surah Fateha. Thereafter go into sujood and ask Allah for whatever one desires, Insha Allah, Allah will grant, one's Duas.
Fajr Salaah
Before the Fardh of Fajr Salaah, read two rakaats Sunnat, raeding Surah Inshirah in the first Rakaat and Surah Feel in the second rakaat. The Holy Prophet S.A.W has stated that the performance of this Sunnah is greater in reward than the entire world. The same Sunnah is also a cure for different sicknesses, especially piles, boils, abscess, provided it is perfformed regulary. It is reported that if one reads Surah Kafiroon in the first rakaat and Surah Ikhlaas in the second rakaat, one would noy see any form of unlawful thing's in one house. Note that our Nabi S.A.W performed only these two rakaats of Sunnah before Fajr, not even Nafl or Salaat Tahiyatul Musjid or even Tahiyatul Wudhu. No Nafl was read even after Fard of Fajr until sunrise.
Musabath-e- Asharah
Read 7 times Surah Fateha, Surah Naas, Surah Falaq, Surah Ikhlaas, SurahKafiroon, Ayatul Kursi and Kalim Tamjeed. Thereafter read the followind Durood Shareef once,

"Allahuma Salle A’la Muhammadin A’bdika Wa Nabiyyika Wa Habeebika Wa Rasoolikan Nabiyyil Ummiyyi Wa A’la Aalihi Wa Aalihi Wa Ashaabihi Wa Ba Rik Wa Sallim."
Thereafter recite 7 times:

"A’dada Maa A’limal Lawhu, Zinatta Ma A’limal Lawhu, Mil-A Ma Alimal Lawhu, Tabarr Ra’tu Min Haulee Wa Quwwatti, Wa Al Ja’atu Ila Haulil Laahi Wa Quwattihi Fi Jami-ee Umooree."
"By Allah’s infinite knowledge, by Allah’s weight of knowledge, by the quantity of Allah’s Knowledge, I release myself from my power and my strength, and I turn to Allah’s power and Allah’s strength in all my affairs."
Thereafter recite 7 times:

"Allahumagh Firlee Wa Li Waalidayya Wa Lima Tawaalada War Humhumaa Kama Rabbayaani Sagheera, Wagh Firil Lawhumma Li Jamee-il Mu’mineena Wal Mu’minaat, Wal Muslimeena Wal Muslimaat, Al Ahyaa-I Minhum Wal Amwaati, Bi Rahmatika Ya Arhamar Rahwhimeen."
"‘O Allah, forgive me and my parents, and all parents, and have mercy on them just like they had mercy whilst raising me when I was small, O’ Allah and forgive All the Believing Men and All the Believing Woman, and the Muslim Men and the Muslim Woman, those whom are alive, and also those whom have passed on, (Forgive them) by Your Mercy, O’ Most Merciful of those who have Mercy."
Thereafter recite 7 times:

"Allahuma Rab Bif A'la Bi Wa Bi A'jilan Wa Aajilan Fid Deeni Wad Dunya Wal Aakhirati, Ma Anta Lahu Ahlun, Wa La Taf A'l Bina Ya Moulana, Ma Nahnu Lahu Ahlun, Innaka Ghafoorun, Haleemun, Jawaadun, Kareemun, Malikun, Barrun, Rabbun, Raoofur Raheem".
“O Allah, Do with me and do with them, immediately or later, for our Deen and Dunya that which you are worthy of, Our Master don’t do to us that which we are deserving of, Indeed You are Oft Forgiving, Most Compassionate, Most Generous, Most Honourable, The Sovereign, Kind, Lord, Most Gracious in Mercy."
Thereafter recite 6 times:

"Allahumah Dini Bi Raf-a’tika Yaa Naafioo, wa Ya Raafioo, Tawafani Muslimau Wa Alhiqni Bis Saaliheen."
"O’ Allah, Guide me by Your Elevated Status, O’ You the Benefactor, O You the Elevated, take my life as a Muslim, and place me with those who are righteous."
Thereafter recite 6 times:

"Allahuma Ahyeeni Muhiban Laka, Wa Amitnee Muhiban Laka, Wa Ahshurni Tahta Aqdaam Ki laabi Ahbaa ika."
“O’ Allah, Awaken me with love for you, and put me to rest with love for you, and give rise to me whilst I take my shelter under the feet of those whom you love.”
Recite 3 times:

"SubhanAllahil A’liyid Dayaan, SubhanAllahil Hannaanil Mannaani, SubhaanAllahish Shadeedil Arkaani, SubhanAllahil Musabah fi kuli
Makanin, Subhaana Man la Yashguluhu Sha’nan a’n Sha’nin, Subhanah man Yadh-habu Bil Lail Wa Ya’ti bin Nahar."
“Praised is He, the Elevated, The Judge, Praised is He the Affectionate, The Benefactor, Praised is He Who is relentless in His Support, Praised is He who’s Tasbeeh is done everywhere, praised is He who is not distracted from one happening because of another happening, Praise is He who alternates and brings the day after the night.”
Read 100 times:

"La-Ila Ha Illalaahu La Shareekala hu, La Hul Mulku, Wa La Hul Hamdu, Wa Huwa Ala Kuli Shay In Qadeer."
“There is no God except Allah, He is One, He has no partner, to Him is the Control of Everything, and for him is all praise, and He has control over everything.”
And thereafter Read 41 times:

“Ya Hayu, Ya Qayoom, Ya La Ilaha Ila Anta."
“O’ The All Living, O’ The All Powerful, O’ You, Who there is no other God except You."