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After the sighting of the moon of Safar, one should read this Dua three times,


"Allahumma Farijna Bi Dhukhoolis Safari, Wakhtimhu Bil Khairi Waz Zafari Was Rif Anni Wa An Jami Il Muslimeena Sharrahu."

"O’ Allah grant us relief when the month of Safar enters unto us, and conclude it with good and success, and protect me and all the Muslims from the Evil in this month."

On the first night of Safar

Make Dua for oneself and for all the Muslims. Thereafter read four rakaats of Salaah between the Fard of Esha and Witr. In the First rakaat, after Surah Fateha read Surah Al Kafirroon 11 times, in the second rakaat after Surah Fateha read Surah Ikhlaas 11 times. In the third and fourth rakaat respectively after Surah Fateha recite Surah Falaq and Surah Naas 11 times each respectively. Thereafter read 70 times the third Kalima

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and seventy times the fourth verse of Surah Fateha,


followed by Durood Shareef 10 times and read this Dua once


"Allahuma Inni A’oozubika min Shari Hadthas Shahri, Wa Min Shari Kulli Baliyatin wa Shidatinil Lati Qadarta Feehi, Ya Dahru, Ya Dayhooru, Ya
Dayhaaru, Ya Azalu, Ya Abadu, Ya Kaa-inu, Ya Kaynaanu, Ya Kaynoonu, Ya Mubdi-oo, Ya Mueedu, Ya Dhal Arshil Majeedi Anta Taf-a’lu Ma
Tureedu; Allahummah Ris Bi A’ynikal Latee Laa Tanaamu Nafsi, Wa Ahli, Wa Maali, Wa Waladi, Wa Deeni, Wa Dunyaayal Latee Ibtalaytani Bi
Suhbatiha Bi Hurmatil Abraar Wal Akhyaar, Bi Rahmatika Ya ARhamar Raahimeen."

"O’ Allah, Indeed I seek protection in You, from the evil that descends in this month, from all the evil calamities and difficulties that You have destined in it,Ya Dahru, Ya Dayhuroo, Ya Dayhaaroo Ya Azalu, Ya Abadoo, Ya Kaainu, Ya Kaynaanu, Ya Kaynoonu, Ya Mubdioo, Ya
Mueedhoo , O You who is the owner of the exalted throne, You do that which You wish, O’ Allah, by Your Eyes which do not Sleep, guard and protect my life, my family, my wealth, my children, my religion, and my material attachments, through which you have chosen to test me with, (I plead with you) by the sacredness of those virtuous and chosen servants of Yours (protect me), by Your Mercy, O’ Most Merciful of those who have Mercy."

By reciting the Dua below, Allah will keep away 70000 Balaas (calamities) and Fitnas (tribulations) away from ones home. The Dua is;


"Allahuma Ya Shadeedal Quwa, Wa Ya Shadeedal Mihaal, Ya A’zeezu, Dhalat Bi I’zatika Jamee-u’ Ma Khalaqta, Fakfini A’n Sharri Jamee-I’
Khalqika, Ya Muhsinu, Ya Mujmilu, Ya Mufadhilu, Ya Muni’mu, Ya Mukrimu, Ya Lailaha Illa Anta Subhaanaka Inni Kuntu Minaz Zaalimeen,
Fastajabnaalahu, Wa Najaynaahu Minal Ghami, Wa Ka Dhalika Nunjil Mu’mineen Bi Rahmatika Ya Arhamar Raahimeen."

If one has to write out this Dua and hang it on the wall in ones house, one will stay in peace and 1000 barakaat and blessings will appear in one’s home. 

In the month of Safar, everyday after every Salaah, it is requested that we read the following Dua, and seek protection for ourselves and our family from all forms of trials and calamities, the dua is as follows:


"A’oozu billahi min share haadthas Zamaani, wa as-ta-eezu bihi min shurooril azmaani, a’oozu bi jalaali wajhika wa kamaali qudratika an
Tujeerani fi haadthihis sanati wa qini sharra ma qadayta feeha, wakrimni fi hadhas Safari bi-akramin nazari, wakhtimli bis salaamati, was
saa’dathi, wa li-ahli baiti, wa li-aulaadi, wali-aqribaa-iee, wali jamee’I Ummati Muhammadin salalawhu alaihi wa sallam, Rabighfir Warhum, Wa
anta Khairur Raahimeen."

"I seek refuge in Allah from the evil of this age, and I seek protection in his refuge from the evils of all times. I seek refuge in the Majesty of Your Countenance and the perfection of Your Power, to grant me protection during this year and save me from the evil that You have decreed to take place in it; and honour me at this time when I have nothing with focusing Your honourable gaze on me. And let me end my life with peace and happiness, and for the people of my household, my children and my relatives, and for the entire Ummah of Sayyidunaa Muhammad SAW. Oh Lord! Forgive and have mercy, for You are the Most Merciful of those who have mercy."

On the last Wednesday of Safar, after sunrise perform ghusl and read two rakaats of Salaate Chaast, in the first rakaat after Surah Fateha read the following Quranic Verses,


"Qulil laahumma Maalikal Mulki Ta’til Mulka Man Tashaa-u Wa Tanzi-ul Mulka Miman Tashaa, Wa Tuizzu Man Tashaa-u Wa Tuzilu Man Tashaa-u Biyadikal Khairu Innaka A’la Kuli Shay-in Qadeer. Tulijul Layla Fin Nahaari Wa Tulijun Nahara Fil Layl, Wa Tukhrijul Hayya Minal Mayyiti
Wa Tukhrijul Mayita Minal Hayyi, Wa Tarzuqoo Man Tashaa-u Bi Ghairi Hisaab."

"Say! O’ Muhammed S.A.W , O’ Allah, Lord of Power and rule, You give Power to whom You wish, and You seize Power from whom You wish,
You grant honour to whom You wish and You Humiliate Whom You Wish, In Your Hand is all good, Indeed Thou Has Power over everything.
You cause the alternation of Night to Day, and You cause the alternation of Day to Night, and You bring the Dead from the Living, and You Bring the Living from the Dead, And You grant Sustenance to whom You Wish, with Measuring (And Accountability)."

In the second rakaat after Surah Fateha also read:


"Qulid Ullah Awid Ur Rahmaan, Ayamma Tada’oo FalaHul Asma-Ul Husnaa, Wa La Tajhar Bi Salaatika Wa La Tukhafit Biha, Wabtaghi Bayn
Dhalika Sabeela. Wa Qulil Hamdu Lillahil Ladhi Lam YathaKhiz Waladau, Wa Lam Yakun Lahu Shareekun Fil Mulki, Wa Lam Ya Khun Lahu Waliyum Minazulli Wa Kab Birhu Takbeera."

"Say! (O Muhammed S.A.W, Call Him Allah, Or Call Him Rahmaan, By whatever name You call Him, Whatever You call him by, HE has the Most beautiful Names, Do Not Perform Your Prayers Loud, nor too silently, but seek a middle course between them. Say! O’ Muhammed S.A.W, Praise is to Allah, Who begets no Son, and has no Partner in His Kingdom, And He does not need anyone to protect him from humiliation, and Glorify Him for His Greatness and Glory."

After the salaam read Durood Shareef and make the following Dua:


"Allahumas Rif A’nni Sharra Haadhal Yaum, Wa’ Simni Min Shaumihi Wa Jannibni A’mma Yukhaafu Feehi Min Nahoosaatihi Wa Karamaatihi, Bi
Fadlika Ya Daafi-a’s Suroori Wa Ya MAalikan Nushoori Bi Rahmatika Ya Arhamar Raahimeen, Wa SalAllahu Ta-a’la A’la Muhammadin Nabiyil
Ummiyi Wa Aalihi Wa Baarik Wa Sallam."

One can also read four rakaats on the last Wednesday of Safar. In every rakaat read 70 times Surah Khauthar and 5 times Surah Ikhlaas, after completing the Salaam read the following Dua;


"Allahuma Ya Shadeedal Quwa, Ya Shadeedal Mihaali, Ya A’zeezu, Dhalat Bi I’zatik Jamee’u Khalqika, Ikfini A’n Jamee’ Khalqika, Ya Mujmilu, YaMufadilu, Ya Muni’mu, Ya Mukrimu, Ya La Ilaaha Illa Anta, Bi Rahmatika Ya Arhamr Raahimeen."


"Allahuma Lakal Hamdu,wa lakal Mannu fadlan, wa ana abduka riqqan, wa anta lidhalika ahlan, Astaudiooka nafsee, wa deeni, wa dunyaaya, wa khwaateema u’mri, Wa A’mali, wa Astaudiuka ardi, wa izzati, fi khalqika min fadhlika, wa astaudi-u’ka man aamana bika min I’baadika, wa nabiyyika, muhammadin alaihis salaatu was Salaamu, li shidati haulika, wa battashika, wa quwwatika, fa-inna mustau-di-u’ka bi dhamaanin , wa hilmika naa-fizun, wa qadaaika ghalibun, wa anta a’la Kulli shay’in Qadeer, Ya Ahkamal Haakimeen, way a Asra’al Haasibeena, way a
akrama ma’moolin, wa ajwada ma-oolin, ya hayyu. Ya qayyumu, ya daaimu, ya fardu, ya watru, ya ahadu, ya samadu, ya man lam yalid, wa lam yulad, wa lam yakun lahu kufoowan ahad, Ya Azeezu, Ya Wahaabu, bi rahmatika ya arhamar raahimeen, wa Salaalahu a’la muhammadin
khaatamin nabiyeen wa A’la Aalihi at tayibeen."

"Oh Allah! To You belongs all praise in gratitude and all favours in blessing, and I am Your enslaved servant and You are Most Worthy of
that. I leave in Your protection myself, my religion, my worldly life and the concluding actions of mine and the end of my life. I leave in Your protection my honour and my position amongst Your creation through Your bounty; and I leave in Your protection all those who believe in You and Your Noble Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, for the greatness of Your Omnipotence, Your Power and Your Strength. Verily, the one who leaves everything to You in guaranteed protection, Your forbearance encompasses everything, Your decree is final and You have power over all things. O’ Best Judge of those who judge, O’ Most Swift of those who hold accountable, O’ Most Honourable One Who is sought and Most Generous One Who is asked; O’ Ever Living, Oh Self Sufficient, O’ Eternal Being, O’ Unique One, O’ All Powerful, O’ One, O’ Omnipotent, O’ One Who was not conceived nor does he conceive, and none is like unto Him, O’ Mighty One, O’ One Who grants everything, with Your mercy O’ Most Merciful of those who have mercy. And May Allah send salutations upon Sayyidunaa Muhammad S.A.W, the Seal of Divine Emissaries, and upon his pure and righteous family."

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